What does the name Project 360 mean?
We all have our own personal health and wellness projects. At Project 360, we help you work on those projects 360 days a year (you only get 5 out of 365 days off). At Project 360, you are circled by 360 degrees of professional support and guidance.
Are you open 24 hours?
Our member-clients can access the facility between the hours of 4am-10pm.
Can I come to Project 360 by myself or do I need to be with a trainer?
Clients-members can workout on their own and use the facility anytime during our operating hours.
How do I join?
Interested parties can ask for an enrollment application, and a member of the Project 360 team will be made available to assist with the enrollment process. Contact us at [email protected].
How many member-clients can Project 360 support?
Our membership is limited to 200 member-clients in order to assure that everyone gets the high-quality personal attention they expect and deserve.
Can I bring in a guest?
No problem — just check with our Project 360 concierge, or with a Project 360 team member. We will give you specifics on helping your guest feel like one of our own.
Can I bring my trainer from another facility to Project 360?
No. You must engage with one of our contracted trainers. However, if your trainer is incredible, maybe we’d like to have them join the Project 360 team.
Is there a separate membership for access to the golf simulator?
Access to the golf simulator is included with your Project 360 Membership. You’ll be able to reserve simulator time through our software system, or just hit a few balls when it’s open. Hit away!
Schedule a Tour
We would be pleased to personally introduce you to Project 360 and show you what we are all about. It’s easy. Schedule a tour. Come on in!…and stay for a complementary workout!
We will contact you to confirm your private tour. Please fill in all fields.
460 Second Street
Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Private Member Access 4:00 am to 10:00 pm daily